• General

    A safe "roof" over our heads...(Video)

    "Difficulties, complications and problems are not obstacles. They are challenges!" This quote fits very well with our (almost) daily difficulties that need to be solved. The day before yesterday there was a heavy thunderstorm so our roof collapsed. Thank goodness not during school hours but we are now trying to provisionally repair the damage. In the long term, we will build a better roof with foundation, but we currently lacked the money for that. The agenda is full...

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    New benches for all children

    The Hamburg association "Bridges for Children" has financed new and better benches for all children. At this point, many thanks for this wonderful donation. Andreas Klitsch, chairman and founder of Brücken für Kinder e.V.: "Behind the Brücken für Kinder e.V. association was...

  • General

    The relevance of our school (video)

    Why is it necessary to be educated?Even though there are different definitions of education, one thing is recognized worldwide: its importance! There are infinite reasons why education is important. It has infinite connotations and implications. Here are...

  • General

    The new doors are coming (video)

    The new doors made of stronger wood came and, symbolically, all the children wanted to carry the last heavy door from the bus to school together. It is also impressive for us to see the strength and technique with which the children carry the other wooden doors.…

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    Eating together (video)

    Eating together gives time for bonding and can even improve mental health. Eating together appears to contribute to fewer emotional and behavioral problems and a greater sense of psychological well-being.

  • General

    The new writing boards are coming (video)

    It is important to us that the students learn that we are not just building a school for them, but together with them. This motivates and creates a “we feeling”. For this reason, too, everyone always wants to help directly and get involved. Today were…

  • General

    The new window grilles are coming (video)

    We do not develop the school only for the students. No, they help directly and proudly lend a hand. This firm involvement in some processes increases the "we" feeling, gives the students responsibility and it's just a lot more fun to work together on...

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